1 <p class="f7"><a href="/">cool, take me back</a></p>
5 [Edit text with vi(1)](https://rgz.ee/vi.html) by Roman Zolotarev<br>
6 [vi is not vim](https://hugodaniel.pt/posts/vi-is-not-vim/) by Hugo Daniel<br>
7 [vi help](http://www.jeffw.com/vi/vi_help.txt) by Jeff W<br>
8 [vi reference](http://www.ungerhu.com/jxh/vi.html) by Maarten Litmaath and James Hu<br>
9 [extremely concise cheatsheet](http://www.alphanrrrd.org/vi.html) by alphanrrrd<br>
10 [Graphical vi cheatsheet](http://www.viemu.com/a_vi_vim_graphical_cheat_sheet_tutorial.html) by ViEmu<br>
11 [The vi archive and FAQ](http://git.larryhynes.net/vi/) (a mirror) by Ove Ruben R Olsen<br>
12 [Annotated .nexrc](https://svn.riouxsvn.com/sehnsucht_dots/nexrc) by Sehnsucht<br>