Commit Briefs

2b18d5c4dd mischa

longer .tld support (main)

e6a83a4efd Mischa Peters

Fix typo in license

8620f131e0 Mischa Peters

Change license

c3a5ba98ec Mischa Peters


663c9d27df Mischa Peters


9e422ec7a8 Mischa Peters

Initial Commit



This repository contains no tags


CHANGELOG.mdcommits | blame
LICENSEcommits | blame
README.mdcommits | blame
config.inccommits | blame
index.phpcommits | blame
stylesheet.csscommits | blame

# Minimalist Mailinglist Manager

Minimalist Admin is a simple PHP admin for the Mailinglist Manager Minimalist.

- You are using Minimalist
- You are using Apache/NGINX or any other webserver that understands PHP
- You are using PHP 4.1 or higher.

### 1. Unarchive Minimalist Manager

Make sure that you are in your WWW directory and then unarchive the
Minimalist Manager archive (whatever the filename is):

`tar -zxvf minimalist-manager-0.6.tgz`

### 2. Configure

Check the `` file. There you can specify settings that are relevant to your setup.

### 3. Create list configuration

The list information is taken from the lists.lst file from Minimalist.

In the directory `/lists` you find 2 files. One .css file in which you can modify the appearance of the subscribe/unsubscribe window. And one config file, in which relevant information which describes the mailinglist.

You have to create at least the config file per list. If there is no css file it will use the toplevel stylesheet located in the root of Minimalist Manager.

### 4. Done
This is all that is needed. Fire up your browser and go to the site that you specified to host Minimalist Manager.

### 5. More information
For more information you can go to the Minimalist website.